San Diego High School is located at 1405 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101. We are at the corner of Park Blvd. and Russ Blvd., next to City College.
Coming from the North:
Take CA-163 toward Downtown. Take the Park Blvd Exit. Turn right onto
Park Blvd. Make a U-turn at Russ Blvd. onto Park Blvd. The main office and is in a temporary building off Park Blvd.
Coming from the South:
Take CA-94 West toward Downtown until the freeway ends and turns into
F Street. Continue on F street until 11th Street. Make a right on 11th
and continue until you reach A Street. Make a right onto A and left onto
Park Blvd. The main office is in a temporary building off Park Blvd.
Main Office: