School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) of San Diego High is responsible for the following:

  • Obtain recommendations for, and review of, the proposed Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) from all school advisory committees.
  • Develop and approve the SPSA and related categorical expenditures in accordance with all state and federal law and district regulations.
  • Recommend the SPSA and categorical expenditures to the SDUSD Board of Education for approval.
  • Provide ongoing review of the implementation of the SPSA with the principal, teachers, and other school staff members.
  • Make modifications to the SPSA whenever the need arises.
  • Submit the modified SPSA for district approval whenever a material change (as defined in district governing board policy) is made in planned activities or related categorical expenditures.
  • Regularly evaluate the progress made toward school goals to raise the academic achievement of all students.
  • Carry out all other duties assigned to the council by the SDUSD Board of Education and by state law.


SSC Documents:

SSC Bylaws (approved 2023-10-19)

SSC Calendar, Minutes, and Roster

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