The Site Governance Team (SGT) is a decision making body at San Diego High, comprised of a representative group of teachers, administration, non-teaching staff, community members, students, and our SDEA union representative. The role of SGT is make decisions and recommendations for school improvement on issues including, but are not limited to, the site security plan, staff dress code, start and end times (so long as there is no additional district expense), student guidelines/discipline, and technology.
The document linked here contains the meeting schedule, minutes for past meetings, and the SGT roster: SGT Information
This document is the SGT bylaws, approved during the 2023-10-19 meetings: SGT Bylaws
SGT Chair for the 2023-2024 is Dr. Stephanie Rico (SDHS teacher and SDEA member). To add items to the SGT agenda, email Dr. Rico at [email protected].
SGT Secretary for the 2023-2024 school year is Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford (SDHS teacher and SDEA member).