Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AJROTC)

A Department of the Army Honor Unit with Distinction

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Motivating and developing young people is our primary mission and is what Caver JROTC is all about. We are NOT military recruiters. We provide classroom instruction and extracurricular activities to help prepare Caver Battalion JROTC cadets for life after high school. Meanwhile, we want to ensure everyone has fun along the way!

Caver JROTC Vision Statement
Caver JROTC Mission Statement
Cadet Creed
Senior Army Instructors Report (10/21/2013)


Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Lars K. Staack
[email protected]

First Sergeant (Retired) Lawrance Mayorga
[email protected]

Caver JROTC Vision Statement

Caver AJROTC Cadets learn how to make a real and positive difference in their community, country and the world. We learn how to be effective leaders, persons of character, and good citizens. We understand that excellence creates excellence.

Caver AJROTC Cadets seek success. We seek academic success because we know education is essential to reach our potential. We seek communications success because leaders must know how to connect with others. We seek collaborative success because teams succeed where the individual cannot. We seek success in self-control and responsibility because our character defines us. Finally, we seek success in physical fitness because a healthy body feeds a clear mind and sets the example for others.

Caver AJROTC Cadets are focused on high school graduation. We know that graduation is a vital stepping-stone towards the career goals we have set for ourselves. Many of us plan to continue on to college to meet our goals, but the rest must also graduate in order to realize the careers we want. AJROTC provides the skills, resources and opportunities to help us pursue our education, career, goals and dreams.

Caver AJROTC Cadets are in control. We are in control of our future through the choices we make. We plan ahead, focus on the present, and work together for the benefit of all. We are action-oriented and make things happen for ourselves and others. We are competitive. We enjoy working hard towards our goal, meeting competitors on a level field, and the thrill of a well-earned victory. We understand that success is not a gift to be received, but must be earned through personal commitment and perseverance.

Caver AJROTC Cadets choose to live by the Seven Army Values which are the pillars for our success. These values are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. When combined with our personal values, we demonstrate a strong character respected by all.

Caver AJROTC Cadets have fun and enjoy learning and working together. We enjoy adventure, competition, academics, and physical fitness. We enjoy the camaraderie of our fellow cadets, sharing our skills and experience, and boosting organizational espirit de corps.

Cadets who commit to AJROTC learn to recognize the power within them, how the community of Cadets helps to build and unleash that power, and the benefits that fall onto those who apply themselves and persevere. Caver AJROTC is small because only a few are prepared to make a commitment for success. However, there is always room for anyone prepared to join and succeed.

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Caver JROTC Mission Statement

To motivate young people to be better citizens and instill the desire and ability to make a positive difference in the world. Caver JROTC develops productive and successful graduates of sound character and moral judgment through professional studies, leadership theory and application, disciplined training, community service, citizenship, and teamwork.

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Cadet Creed
I am an Army JROTC cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family,
country, school, and the corps of cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be
accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared
to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
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